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Jockey's Ridge State Park

Jockey's Ridge State Park

300 W. Carolista Drive Nags Head, NC 27959


Visit Website
The tallest living sand dune on the Atlantic coast is a premier location for kites, sightseeing and sunsets, with a view arcing from the ocean to Roanoke Sound. A visitor center with museum and 360-foot boardwalk with exhibits explain the dune’s ecology and are a gradual entry to the massive dune field. Sandboarding is welcome with permit and hang-gliding is available through a vendor. Shoes and sun protection are recommended. By calling ahead 24-hours in advance, it’s possible for mobility-impaired visitors to schedule a ride in our all-terrain-vehicle to the top of the dunes. The soundside access of the park is a different experience offering sunbathing, wading, paddling and a one-mile nature trail that opens onto wetlands, grassy dunes and maritime thickets.

Approximately 56 miles from Elizabeth City.

Park Hours
November - February: 8am - 6pm
March - April: 8am - 8pm
May - September: 8am - 9pm
October: 8am - 8pm
Closed Christmas Day

Sound Side Access Gate
November - February: 8am - 5pm
March - October: 8am - 7pm
Closed Christmas Day

Park Visitor Center
November - February: 9am - 5pm
March - October: 9am - 6pm
Closed Christmas Day


Regional Map - Nags Head

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